Welcome! I am currently a graduate student at Stanford University, pursuing a Master's in Computer Science. I am working as a teaching assistant for CS231n: Convolutional Networks for Visual Recognition this Spring. Previously, I was a teaching assistant for CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning, and had worked as a research assistant in the Stanford Vision Lab with Professor Fei-Fei Li. I earned my B.Eng. in Computer Science at the University of Hong Kong, and had done research in the HKU PL Group.
Boya Peng, Zelun Luo
[pdf][Coming soon!]
Qifun Network
A9.com, Product Search
Apple, Siri
I was a member of the Stanford Program in AI-Assisted Care (PAC), which is a collaboration between the Stanford AI Lab and Stanford Clinical Excellence Research Center that aims to use computer vision and machine learning to create AI-assisted smart healthcare spaces.
Some publications:
S. Yeung, A. Alahi, Z. Luo, B. Peng, A. Haque, A. Singh, T. Platchek, A. Milstein, L. Fei-Fei.
Workshop on Machine Learning in Healthcare, NIPS. 2015.